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make blank page easy to use.

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This "blank" page is not easy to use:  https://app.constantcontact.com/pages/campaigns/email#/edit/activity/297fd634-dee7-4f24-8cae-b71132d...

it appears to be a mess. Even the suggestion-sending is unfriendly.

Give the user the ability to start with a full blank, uncluttered  8 1/2"  X 11" page window-- as it is now it is a very small unfriendly window.

Allow for the ability to create text boxes and drop text of images on the blank page.

Allow for resizing of text boxes or images independent of the home blank page.


--Thank you!


(813) 310-1990--cell



1 Comment
Status changed to: Clarifying

Hi @LouieR58. This type of link does not work outside of your account so I am unable to view your email. Could you please provide us with a screenshot of what you are seeing? 

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