On the first point, that isn't how it's supposed to work. That's why I noted:
For the instruction emails, everything on our end is showing the emails for being scheduled the day after the conference, a little over 24 hours past their creation times. Did you receive any emails or anything notifying you that they'd been scheduled to send right away, or was anyone else in charge of scheduling those two emails that may have not actually clicked on the Send Now button?
Regarding the second portion, when you're setting up an event's send-to-non-responders email, you're either selecting to make a new email or copy one of your existing emails for the template to use, not to target a specific list. NR emails are meant to go to all NRs for a specific event. I assume when the event tool was created back in the day, the intention was that the whole event would be managed by one person on the account, who'd be using one address to send all notifications, invitations, etc. for that particular event.
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