Only 2 Weeks Remain in the Ready, Set, Send Challenge!

Ready Set Send Challenge Week 3: Audience Building

Community Coach

Congratulations! Now that you’ve spent some time focusing on goal setting and designing the perfect email, it’s time to move on to a very important piece: who’s your audience? I’m Melanie Diehl of Melanie & co Marketing Collective and this week we’re focusing on building your audience! Over the past 15 years, I’ve helped thousands of small businesses leverage online marketing tools through webinars and seminars, one-on-one coaching, and done-for-you services. 


Your email list is a valuable asset for your business. Unlike social media followers, which can be influenced by platform changes, your email list is entirely yours to control. That’s why it’s so important to keep growing it. It can boost your bottom line by providing a specific audience for your marketing efforts that social media can’t. And the more engaged and relevant your subscribers are, the better equipped you’ll be to achieve your goals, whether it’s generating  more sales, finding more volunteers, or building more brand awareness


So, let's start growing your contact list, and setting your business up for success, by looking at strategies that utilize landing pages, QR codes, freebies, and events or webinars.


Make Sure You Stick the Landing (Page)

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While website pop-ups can effectively convert visitors into subscribers, a straightforward starting point, especially if you have more social media followers than website visitors, is to create a dedicated sign-up landing page. Landing pages are separate web pages that can be tailored to support a campaign and capture specific subscribers.


For instance, if you’re running a pet sitting business, you might have one landing page that focuses exclusively on feline followers, and one for devoted dog parents. Messages on those pages would be specific to that audience to increase their chances of subscribing. And, because you’ve set up separate landing pages, you can better track who would rather receive your cat updates, and who would rather receive updates about those doggos by either putting them in separate lists, or tagging them


Once you create a landing page, you need to promote it. You can add it to your social media profiles, such as adding a button to your Facebook Page or LinkedIn Organization Page, or adding a link to your Instagram Bio. Remember to post about it, too! Posting about your newsletter and linking to the sign up landing page is one of the easiest ways to turn those followers into subscribers. Be sure you post about your newsletter on a regular basis – at least once a month to keep growing (need a refresher on social media? Check out the Social Media Marketing hub).


The Magic of QR Codes

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QR codes are a highly effective method for capturing sign-ups at in-person events or brick-and-mortar businesses. When prospective customers scan a QR code, they are directed to a sign-up landing page to fill in their information and join your email list. It's a quick and easy process that streamlines the sign-up experience.


It’s important to consider where you place QR codes. For optimal results, you want them to “be in the way” so they’re easy to spot. For example, restaurants place QR codes on the tables, whereas retail stores place QR codes at the register so customers see it when they check out. You can also include them on business cards and flyers!


Attracting More Opt-Ins with Offers

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At times, simply having a landing page or opt-in form is not enough. If you want to encourage people to share their email or phone number, you might need to provide an enticing offer to loosen their grip. While we all love free things, gifts or swag giveaways can get costly, especially for a small business. And it isn’t always realistic either. So you need to ask yourself: what is it that you already have that shows value to your subscribers?


If you’re selling a product, maybe that offer is a coupon code or discount. If you’re promoting your services, it could be a downloadable PDF filled with unique tips, insightful advice, or sneak peeks of your latest work. If you have a regular newsletter you’re sending out, maybe it’s as simple as promising subscribers they will receive the information first by email before you release it to social media. 


Whatever you decide to offer, it’s important that you follow through by sending that offer to them through an automated campaign that will send an email with that promo code or that downloadable PDF upon being added to a list. Besides, having that type of automated Welcome goes a long way to getting engagement – Welcomes get 6x more engagement than any other email! Plus, they train your subscribers to look for your brand in their inbox.  You can find out more on how to set up automations here.


Use Webinars and Events to Get More Sign-ups

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A really simple way to showcase both your value and get email addresses is to host an event. Registrants will give you their address to attend and they can opt in to receive more information from you at the same time.


If you’re using the Constant Contact Event tool, you can customize the event registration form to encourage registrants to join your list. Remember to promote your webinar everywhere – in your current emails, on social media, and on your website, to get those registrations and new email opt-ins.


Your Assignment:


  • Choose your own adventure! Select one (or all) of the tasks below to complete:
    • Share your methods on how to get new members or customers to  sign up to receive emails. Do you have a sign-up form online? A paper sign-up sheet at your physical location? There are lots of options out there but what works best for you?
    • Ready to get hands-on? Let’s put your newfound knowledge to work. Create a sign-up form. Constant Contact provides a basic template but you can make it your own by adding your logo and brand colors . Select the form fields (i.e. First Name, Last Name, Email Address, etc.) that is most valuable to you.. Show off your new form by sharing the URL in your reply.
    • Create a QR code that directs potential new contacts to a landing page, website, blog, or social media account. Share this QR code via email, on a landing page, or in a physical location where customers can easily scan it. Share a screenshot or picture in a reply below.


How you’ll earn your badge


logo-smb-hub-planning-badge-week3-community.pngReply below with a screenshot of your QR code or the permanent URL for your sign-up landing page, and you’ll receive the Week 3 badge. It will be proudly displayed on your Community profile, plus keep an eye out in your Community inbox for a larger image to share on your own social channels once Week 3 is finished.





Melanie Diehl

Melanie & co Marketing Collective

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Note: I am not a Constant Contact employee.

Campaign Collaborator


This is our current landing page.  I would love to make it more inviting by adding a picture or something, and I'm wondering if I can add checkboxes for user interest segmentation.  I have much more to learn!


We currently ask for customer emails in our checkout process, and our website has a signup link, as well. 


I am working on a resource PDF to offer as an incentive to sign up online, and will be adding a QR code to a poster in the shop once it's ready to launch. 


I like the idea you mentioned about a one-time popup request--especially if it can be made to not take over the page-- but I find popups that load every time I visit a site downright annoying. 

Campaign Expert

If you notice my landing page outer border, my thank you page outer border, and (previously linked in this challenge) email outer borders do not match :frown:  I have clicked the color icon for the same color on all of them, I've even manually entered the hex code a few times and I still get a different color green as my outer border :frown: :frown:

Other than the differing greens - thoughts on the page?

Senior and Family Photographer - just starting out.  I have about 50 emails in my client base (that are not family); but I've been "open" for 8 months and trying to do things right the first time so my stress later is as low as possible.


I'm bias because my favorite color is green (lol!) but I like the border colors mismatching @AmyC32! I also like how sleek your design is and it definitely shows your aesthetic. Where are places people can find your landing page? Are you using QR codes? Do you have the page linked in your Instagram bio? 


Also be sure to check out Week 4! We can't wait to hear more!  

Abigail St Jean

Community Program Manager

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Campaign Expert

Sage green color family are some of my favorite colors too!  Thus the reason they are used in my logo and business :smileyface:  Thank you for noticing that I was aiming for sleek design.  Less fuss, more results - I hope.

Currently the landing page is only linked to my email/newsletter for fall photo sessions.  Because I don't love it.
I'm not using QR codes anywhere as I haven't made one.  Not sure how I would go about doing that.

I don't mind the coordinating/contrasting greens on the landing page itself, I would just like for there to be consistency in all my pages.  Clients may not ever know/notice the color difference between the email border, the thank you page border, and the landing page border - but I do and it drives me bananas to see previews of my work on my dashboard in varying shades of green.  That makes me feel chaotic/confused/unsettled and if I feel that way, many of my clients/potential clients will too.  Doesn't really send the "trust me" vibe in my opinion.

Once I love my landing page, it will be linked to instagram bio and hopefully to my website as well as continue to be part of my newsletter.

Appreciate this challenge as it has expedited my use of constant contact and shown me there are a number of marketing options available to me that I was unaware of.  Thank you!  


Sage green is my favorite color! I used it to paint my office.

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Campaign Collaborator

Our landing pages will either be the company website,, or specific brochures of products referenced in the mailing.  Our brochures will also have QR codes that direct readers to our website.


Overall, we try to create pathways so that all our marketing has a way to direct everyone back to the company website.







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Your idea of incorporating QR codes into brochures is a highly effective tactic for increasing traffic to particular products and your company's website. Here are some suggestions to improve your approach:


If you're directing readers to the company's website or brochures, each QR code should take them straight to a page about that specific product. For instance, the QR code by the "Ribbon Wall Incline Belt" should link to a page with details about that product, not just the general homepage. This gives people exactly what they need without making them search.


You've done a great job adding QR codes to the product information. But, adding a simple message like "Scan for more details" or "Learn about this product" near each code can make people want to use the QR codes more and make it clearer what they're for.

Elevate your marketing with Constant Contact's Professional Design Services! From eye-catching email templates to custom branding and social media graphics, our professional design services are tailored to boost your business's impact and engagement.

Campaign Collaborator


We are a virtual business so we don't have an in-person location to promote the email list. Right now we just use a link on our instagram bio to share our landing page!


Very nice @AmberS21! I love how simple and clean it is. Instagram is a great spot to promote your landing page. Have you seen good results doing this? Also we can't wait to see you in Week 4

Abigail St Jean

Community Program Manager

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Brand Visionary

We use QR codes at all in person events and in our brochures and event programs that lead to our list sign-ups. 

At in person events we often have a contest to win something and in order to enter, they will sign up for our email list.


Awesome, @user74951! Do you find that people like the accessibility of using QR codes? I also love that you run a contest, that is a great way to keep people engaged. Keep up the good work and we'll see you over in Week 4

Abigail St Jean

Community Program Manager

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Hi @JenniferS7 


The email you send out for Tri-Lease LLC does a great job of explaining the perks of equipment financing options. It's super easy to read and has relevant sections that talk about your services. Some suggestions

  1. Highlight the deadline (12/31/24) more prominently to encourage quick action.
  2. Strengthen CTAs (e.g., "Apply Now") with bold or contrasting colors.
  3. Some sections could be more concise for easier reading.

Overall, the info is easy to understand and gives good benefits to possible clients. Great job!

Elevate your marketing with Constant Contact's Professional Design Services! From eye-catching email templates to custom branding and social media graphics, our professional design services are tailored to boost your business's impact and engagement.

Campaign Collaborator
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Wow! @user065571 


The contact form is super helpful. It's organized really well. 👏

  1. I would include a more compelling prompt at the beginning of the page to better direct users.

  2. Ensure the form is mobile-friendly for a seamless user experience.

Overall, I love the design and layout, fantastic work!

Elevate your marketing with Constant Contact's Professional Design Services! From eye-catching email templates to custom branding and social media graphics, our professional design services are tailored to boost your business's impact and engagement.

Campaign Contributor

We had a campaign at a church so folks could learn about our non-profit. They could take a bag for returning donations and everyone was encouraged to sign up for the newsletter. Those who had time, did it from a tablet right there.  For those who had littke kiddos ready to go, we gave a QR code so they could sign up later. 



Here is the landing page URL

You can also access this signup form from our website. 




This is awesome @KayS653! I like how it includes all necessary information and ties in your brand colors. For the QR code, I tried to scan it and it says the form has been cancelled, so I hope that's not the same error you are also receiving! Double check to make sure! Can't wait to see you in Week 4!  

Abigail St Jean

Community Program Manager

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Campaign Contributor

I am resending my QR code. We used it on a small flyer for folks to take home and sign up for our updates and newsletters. 

We had to teach the Seniors how to use a QR code. Younger folks eagerly took it.



Sign up for COC newsletters

Community Coach
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Hi @KayS653 - thanks for the form.

As Abigail mentioned above, consider replacing the sentence at the top with reasons WHY people should sign up. Just getting " updates." is not strong enough of a reason to sign up.

Also consider removing all the fields, except for the email one. The more fields a user sees, even if they are not all required, the less conversion that form will have. Keep is simple and explain the benefit of receiving your emails.

As an experienced Constant Contact Solution Provider, we have much experience in all things email and Constant Contact related. Reach out if you'd like help.

David Fischer

Solutions For Growth

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Note: I am not a Constant Contact employee.

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