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Ability to send resubscribe email more than once

It would be great if we could have a button to resend the Constant Contact permission email. I have to keep deleting and re-adding people because they forget, the email goes to spam or they don't want our newsletters and unsubscribe but then don't get our event emails that they sign up for.

Status changed to: Voting Open

Hello @LauraV1,


Thank you for providing this feedback, I've gone ahead and put this in voting!


Upon your team's requirement, we sent out a confirm subscription letter to our contact list. I am very disappointed to find out that our confirm opt-in feature was turned off at some point and unable to allow people to confirm a subscription to our list. My own difficulties resubscribing to the list via the confirm letter show that it was very difficult or impossible to confirm or resubscribe in any reasonable time frame. The form still did not work for me when I sent it out to my mailbox today.  I was only able to resubscribe when I called in and had a tech person do it. 

In addition, it is also very unfortunate that people who remain in the awaiting confirmation list cannot resubscribe via our website forms if they choose to. (And while the confirm subscription letter was apparently not working.)

My requests:

1) Have all functions be set properly so that people may resubscribe.

2) Allow people in the awaiting confirmation list the ability to resubscribe via our websites and the forms on them.

3) Resend the confirm subscription letter (set up properly) to our awaiting confirmation list.


Something seems wrong about how we were advised to send out a confirm subscription letter that appears to have not been working properly and then not being able to follow up with the awaiting confirmation contacts. As a result, we have lost thousands of contacts acquired over a 15 year period.

Status changed to: New



I apologize for the complication with resubscribing your contacts. We appreciate the feedback and are aware of the difficulties with this process. I've passed along your experience and feedback to our engineers and we will continue to work toward making this better, thank you for sharing this with us.

Campaign Contributor

It would be LOVELY if it were possible to re-send the confirmation email from Constant Contact to the subscriber directly from the subscriber's Contact Page.  While there is an 'edit' button, it doesn't generate that option which would be SUPER helpful if the contact has missed or deleted the original email.  This happens to our customers a LOT and getting a second email sent is a very cumbersome and time-consuming process.



Campaign Contributor

I agree. I have someone wanting to re-subscribe and I cannot contact through the system to let them "ok" being added back to the list.


Me too! And when I delete the contact and add them as new, the system knows and still says "awaiting confirmation". It's really hard trying to explain it to clients and management! 

Campaign Contributor
lIt's too easy for members to inadvertently unsubscribe themselves. Please provide a follow up page that asks them to confirm that they wish to unsubscribe, with a cancel option. Also, provide the ability to re-send the resubscribe email, which is a need that I currently have.
Status changed to: Open Questions

Hey @NormS54, thanks for your feedback! Per the Can Spam Act we are required to provide a one-click unsubscribe option for recipients of emails. In the case that someone accidentally unsubscribed and contacts you about it, you can follow the steps in this knowledge base article to send them a opt-in confirmation email. 

Campaign Expert

I too am having this trouble with getting people back on the list, they have filled out the online sign-up form again, but get stuck on the "Waiting Confirmation" list. These individuals never get a second email to confirm, and I have no way to resend a confirmation email. So it is like they have been banned forever from our mailing list because they either unsubscribed in the past or never confirmed in the past. What is the solution? 


Any update on this issue? Would be great to resend or edit contact info (we have unfortunately entered "gmail" as "gamil" a few too many times).

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