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Captions for photos

I REALLY need to be able to add a caption under photos in our newsletters. The option of adding text on top of a photo is not a good option at all. The caption should be immediately beneath the photo in a stand alone text box. Also, it would be extremely helpful to be able to position a photo within an article anywhere within the photo -- not at the very top.

Top Answer

We are updating the status of all ideas to hopefully provide better insight into where the issue is in the product pipeline. The status of this idea is being updated to Under Consideration meaning the request is known and there is a ticket in our product/engineering backlog for this item. Thank you for all the feedback so far.


My client demands that photo credits appear on every photo. Without a caption placeholder attached to a photo, text cannot be wrapped around a photo. And if the credit is added with the image editor (which is not machine-readable or linkable), it must be redone with every edit or crop of the photo. This is the single most frustrating and tedious aspect of using CC. Please add this feature or bring back the code-editor (preferably both)!

Campaign Expert

In the early days of CC we used to be able to add credits to photos. Whatever happened to that capability? I've managed to work around it in my work but it sure would be nice to have it back.

Marketing Legend


So true, all of what you said. I would add one more thing, that along with restoring the feature, there has to be a way to adjust the positioning of the caption/credit in relation to the image. The huge spaces between block elements that are enforced by the programming and unchangeable by the user wreak havoc with our control over design. So that should be fixed too, while the developers are at it.

WHY is this not possible by now? I've read all the comments from long-time users.




Please, please, PLEASE add this feature. It’s just crazy that we cannot do this. If WordPress can do this, so should CC.

Marketing Legend

In relation to @Rotary comment, I don't think you can really compare what WordPress can do, since Wordpress is essentially developing websites, even if in the blog format. Due largely but probably not only to Microsoft, emails are not built in the same way, especially without having access to the code. If we could get the ability to create a block in which we can write our own html, that could be a workaround for this and many problems. You would have thought that as long as Constant COntact has been around, that at least they could have taken into account building other ways for customers to style their email elements when they took away the ability to use any html.


Ok so now I see that many other users are as angry as I am because they once had the ability to create a caption underneath an image and now with the "upgraded software" that function has been deleted. Whoever decided to delete it should be fired!! I can't believe I'm paying $43 a month for software that won't let me post a freeking caption for an image. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!? I'M OUTTA HERE! I wish I had Mad Mimi back! Godaddy shut it down. I could make beautiful newsletters with it easily for $12 a month for 1000 contacts. Drag and drop an image, click it to add a URL and an attractive caption below it. It should be pretty easy to find another platform that has the all the features I want at a reasonable price. My newsletters are simple. Very disappointed in this company! 

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