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Create dropdown fields for sign up forms

I need to know the industry that my subscribers are from. In the profile update they provide that information in an un standardized way. Can there be a drop down list so I have consistent values in that field and can sort on it. otherwise, there a lot of different names for the same industry. Ii run webinars and Go to Webinar has a dropdown list for industry so all of the lists I upload from webinar registrations (they opt into the list) has standard industry responses. This is extremely critical. I can't ask my subscribers to update their industry or it will corrupt the CC data base for that field.


please add the dropdown


Need a drop-down list, already... 

Campaign Contributor

We would also love radio Custom Fields. In "Manage Custom Fields" Constant Contact currently only allows text and date fields. By allowing radio fields this would prevent user input error and enable us to easily segment contacts based on input on the new CC custom landing page sign-up forms.


We are doing a free trial of CC. I will be explaining to my client why not to go forward with purchasing as not being able to have a signup form with radio buttons or a drop-down or any kind of selection is a deal breaker. In this day and age, you know how important segmentation is. I honestly can't believe this is not available. I was sure I was missing something. If something as basic is this is not available I don't even think I want to know what other features will be lacking. Very dissapointing. 

Status changed to: Under Consideration

6 years seems like a long time to wait for this.  Its very useful.


Unreal they still are working on something so simple

Campaign Contributor

Shocked that there still is no option to create a customizable drop-down check box for sign-up. Need ASAP!! Six years is a long time for valued customers to be waiting - what is taking so long? Microsoft has it right in Outlook, why can't we get it in Constant Contact?


Hi @LadyPoppins

We apologize for any inconvenience caused from this feature not being available. Due to low number of tracks from other customers and the prioritization of other ideas, we don't always have a time estimate of when a feature will be available. We have however previously updated this idea status as under consideration to indicate some awareness that we have heard your feedback it has been taken under consideration for a future release. We will reach back out to this thread when we have further updates we can share.

Campaign Contributor

I want to create a landing page that allows people to join a specific interest group. I have lists for several business segments but most are in a general list. Can there be a dropdown category I can insert on the landing page to understand what type of content they are most interested in? 

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