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Easier way to delete large number of images in Library

When I have 400 files and I want to delete some of these, I appear to need to click through many many screens to get anywhere. This is just one problem in the user experience that desperately needs changing. A list of 100 would be more acceptable.

It would be helpful to be able to continuously scroll (rather than "show more") when going through pictures. Also, it would save time if there was another place for "delete" when you have selected multiple files to delete rather than having to go all the way back up to the top "delete" and then back down to the last place you were.
Campaign Collaborator
We need the ability to delete volume of pictures. not one by one each needs a checkmark. so painfully slow. we need the ability to delete pages at a time or select ALL on a page, not putting individual checkmarks. we need the ability to go to the next page and delete the page of pics. and not have to scroll all the way back to the top just to hit the DEL key. please change the product of I'm gone to the compeditor. thank you
Brand Influencer

I am beyond frustrated with Constant Contact not having an easy, intuitive way to delete images.  I am constantly hovering at 97-98% full with a "Do you want to upgrade space?" message?  No, I don't.   

What I do want is not having to spend hours clicking images to delete them.  There's an easier way (how about adding "sort by date"? ...  select all...  etc).  These features can be found in other realms of Constant Contact.  

Between this, and no easy way to find delete contacts who haven't opened your last (____) emails (I should be able to choose that number as account owner), I am almost done with Constant Contact.   It's insulting to be forced to upgrade space because as a busy small business person I don't have time to manually click-click-click to delete images.  


Hello @CeliaM7. You can sort by date in the library by clicking on the Date Added column. I understand that this is not a solution but I hope this makes the process of deleting old images a little easier. 




Also, with our Segment feature, you can search for contacts who did not open any of your last five emails. At this time, the only selection is for five emails.

Brand Influencer

Hi @Caitlin_M


I did call yesterday about the issue of deleting images and was given that option.  The problem is that all the images don't show up at once.  You need to keep clicking "Load More"... "Load More".   It is tedious.


As well, I know that we can delete contacts who don't open the last 5 emails.   As account owners, we should have the option for choosing our own number of non-opened emails to qualify for deletion.  For me, 5 is too small a number. 


It needs to be easier, ONE CLICK, to get through a catalog of photos and delete: select all + delete. Some organizations amass hundreds of images between logos and themes...HELP!
Campaign Collaborator
Hi folks, I love, love, LOVE Constant Contact!!! It is so much easier, flexible and more robust than your competitors. One small enhancement request: when deleting images from the library, could you put the delete icon (trashcan) at the bottom of the page as well as the top? When I mark certain images to delete, I have to scroll all the way to the top to click delete. Minor, yet still annoying. Thanks! Sharie Lieberg, Unity of Ventura (thankyougod login)
Status changed to: Voting Open

Hi @UnityofVentura thanks for sharing this feedback with us! We have opened up your idea so other users can also weigh in on having the ability for a delete icon at the bottom of the page.

It appears that when you are selecting (checking the box) of photos/items to delete from 'Library' that to delete them you must return to the top of the page to click on delete icon. It would be helpful to have a delete icon at the bottom of a page as well so that you don't have to keep going all the way to the top again and start over selecting pictures.
Campaign Contributor
It sure would be fabulous to be able to sort the library by date added or size to reduce the amount of outdated 'stuff' that is stored in the library.
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