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Edit date format for RSVP action block

Hello we are using your RSVP box for an event and the month format is in US (M/D/Y) and not what we use in Australia (D/M/Y). Is there a way this can be changed?



I can see a number of comments requesting a European date format but can't see any response that this will happen. I've been trying to find a way to change the formatting on the RSVP function as I've set up a number of meeting dates on an e-bulletin which will be very confusing to my UK audience in their current date format. 

Is there a reason why this hasn't been developed - it looks like people have been asking for this functionality for the past 4 years.

Status changed to: Voting Open

Hi @GeoCatch . Thank you for the idea and I can see how this would be useful for countries that do not use the MM/DD/YYY format. I'll open this up for voting.

It would be nice if the Date in the RSVP form could be written out instead of all numbers. For example: October 28th, 4:00 pm - 6:30pm . Instead, right now it reads: 10/28/21 4:00pm - 10/28/21 6:30pm US/Arizona . It would also be nice if the RSVP form fields were optional instead of mandatory.

Let me a little blunt, it isn't that it would be useful, this is a basic requirement for virtually every country outside of North America.


Every major software house gets this, but not Constant Contact?




Hi @WayneM92


Thanks for sharing your feedback on this feature request. We apologize there are many factors that are used to decide what is added to or updated in our product which can cause us to sometimes not have a timeline for when a feature will be available. We did however want to make you aware the more requests a thread like this receives the higher of a priority it can be given by our Product Team. While we may not respond to every comment – it is acknowledged and tracked directly with the appropriate teams. In fact, here is a section of our Community that helps explain what we do with our customer’s feedback. With that said, we will reach out to this thread when any updates have been made.


I agree. It should be easy enough to allow us to edit the format of our event and just type it in the way we want it to show up like the other fields in the form. It looks really strange to have a date range for a one-hour event. It's the reason I'm not going to use the rsvp block in the end for an email I'm trying to create. It looks like I made a weird typo by repeating the date in the middle. 


For how much money you make on individual accounts these should be simple programming updates.

Status changed to: Acknowledged

It seems this still hasn't been fixed.  The date format doesn't read very well.  It would be great if there was a way to edit this.


this really is poor that the date format is fixed into USA format. 


I'm organising an event for the 5th of October NOT the 10th of May

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