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Extend expiration date for survey pages

Is there a way to extend the survey expiration date past six months? According to documentation automatically close six months after the date it was published, unless you specified an earlier expiration date. What if we need a later date?


We use this to collect data over a year time period and then copy and create a new survey for each year. 

Status changed to: Voting Open

Hi @MarySusanA you are correct, at this time the expiration date of a survey campaign cannot be set to longer than 6 months. This is however a feature request we have submitted to our Product Team. We have also opened up your idea so other users can weigh in as well.


How do I extend a survey expiration date after the survey already has responses?


Hi @LendaJ. You will need to unpublish the survey in order to make edits. As noted in this idea, you cannot extend the expiration beyond six months from the creation of the survey. 

Brand Influencer

Unfortunately, we are going to have to leave Constant contact because of changes being made to the Survey tool.  Some of the biggest issues for us is that the survey will only be live for 6-months, we can't capture who completed the survey, and rating scales have changed.  It is very important for us to be able to have the data from each person who completes a survey because we use the information to award CE.  We also need to have surveys available for much longer than 6 months. a Without having that easily accessible the survey tool from constant contact is worthless.  We used CC for over 10 years. Theses changes are very disappointing. 

Brand Influencer

This is a terrible idea to just have the survey for 6-months.  Did you not do any customer analysis?  

Status changed to: Open Questions

Hi @KathyF06 we're sorry to hear you feel this way about our updated survey campaigns! Having the ability to extend a survey past 6 months is a feature request we are currently collecting feedback on through a separate thread . In fact I can see you have also commented on that thread with your request as well. The more requests a thread like that receives the higher of a priority it can be given by our Product Team. With that said, where in your campaign are you looking to view who completed the survey? Currently the campaign does allow you to view respondent details and export this information as well. Or are you looking to export responses by each individual response? As for the rating scales we provide, what about this option does not fit your needs?

Brand Influencer

WE tried the new survey today to see if we could make it work. We cannot.  The report feature is useless.  The answers are all randomly placed and we cannot match up respondents with follow-up information.  Constant Contact really needs to rethink this redesign. 


Thank you @KathyF06. I would recommend voting or commenting on this thread surrounding the layout of survey reporting: Export responses filtered by respondent 


Frankie had some additional questions in her previous response and we would love to hear from you so we can take any appropriate action:

- With that said, where in your campaign are you looking to view who completed the survey?

- As for the rating scales we provide, what about this option does not fit your needs?



When using the new survey tool, there is not an option to keep the survey open/active endlessly. I have to set an "end date" within 6 months, which is too short for what we need.

It appears that, with the most recent update, surveys are set to expire in 6 months. This doesn't work for us as a number of our surveys are related to year-long processes/projects that we review and compile information on annually. It will be a real pain for us to have to create new versions midway through that and look at our data in two separate chunks, rather than together for the correct time frame. It would be REALLY helpful and appreciated if having a survey expiration were optional, not mandatory.

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