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More sorting options on campaigns tab

Hi! It would sure be great if my campaigns were listed in order of their scheduled send date, WITH the send date showing!!!!!

Campaign Collaborator

Hello CC, How are you?  The way I track my email campaigns and look back is not from their Title, Date or Image, which is all I can currently see in the Campaign List View.  What I need is a column for the number of Sent emails.  That is always a unique number, and it is the way I look back.  Why?  Well I can't search by image, because I use the same template over and over, so all the images look the same.  I can't search by Title, because I send the same Title out to 3 different groups, or more. And I can't search by date because my brain just doesn't work that way, and I am not tracking my campaign dates outside of CC.  You are the only place where the sent dates are recorded.  Why should I do double work and records outside of CC?  Anyway, the number of Sent emails is my ONE method to know who got what and when.  It would be nice to have that count as a column in the Campaign List View.  It's my quick reference, but is not available.  Please let me know if that will ever become part of the list view.  I think it used to be, but then was removed.  Maybe you can make it optional in the List View?  Thanks for your help!  I have my own software company and know all about the unique needs and wants of customers, so don't sweat my request.  Appreciate your great service.   Keep up the good work, and be well.

Status changed to: Open Questions

Hi @AprilZ51 by send count, do you mean the total number of contacts you've sent the email to? How would you expect to search based on this number? Users do currently have the option of sorting campaigns by the size of the sent contact list through clicking the "sends" column title in the table on the Reporting tab of your account. Is this the kind of sorting you were looking for?

Campaign Collaborator


Status changed to: Voting Open

Hi @AprilZ51 thanks for this clarification! This is a great feature request we are opening up so other users can weigh in as well.

Campaign Collaborator
i want to view campaigns in date * time order - both sent
Marketing Legend

Hi, I came here to suggest this. 

I see the improvements made as of today, and they are great but why don't we have the capability to sort our campaigns by Send Date??  Only by "Last Modified" or Date Created, which isn't as helpful.

Being able to sort campaigns by send date would be very useful for us to be able to get a quick rundown of the things we have recently sent so we can plan our marketing efforts better and not send out the same message too frequently.

Please add this!


Thank you.


Status changed to: Gathering Information

We have made updates to the Campaign View since the original post. Campaigns can be sorted by their status and last modified date, date created, campaign name A-Z, campaign name Z-A, date scheduled newest to oldest, or date scheduled oldest to newest. The sent date now appears next to Sent emails.


What other options would be useful? Keep in mind these would be dropdown options to select from.

Marketing Legend

Hi @Caitlin_M,


I have seen the improvements however the sorting function is not available when you are also doing a search.

Can you please make it so that you can also sort your search results?

For example, I just did a search for "Marketing" which I literally just sent out a campaign about 45 minutes ago with this word in the title... My search results show campaigns from last year at the top and I am unable to change the sorting order. Not helpful. Please fix.


Search results:



List of campaigns without search:




Thank you.



Hi @Marisa_M


Thanks for following up with these details. Having the ability to filter and sort campaigns after completing a search is a feature request we are collecting feedback on. In fact we recommend sharing your need for this directly on its thread.

Campaign Collaborator

Caitlin_M  That is awesome!  Thanks for making this improvement!  Can't wait to start using it.  Fantastic!  Really appreciate all you do, and I just LOVE your service.  Please let the team know I said "Thank You"!

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