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Old Campaigns Showing Under Most Recent Campaigns on Dashboard

0 Votes

The new page that is first to appear when I login is useless. It supposedly lists the "Most Recent Campaigns", yet not a single one of my most recent monthly newsletters is listed. NOR does it list any newly created campaigns that have yet to be sent. Why? Currently, this is useless and only serves to take me one further click away from accessing my work. Please remedy. Thanks

Most Recent Campaigns are not. The campaigns showing are 1-2 years old! :frown:
Status changed to: Voting Open

Thanks for letting us know @KathleenV4 ! It looks like campaigns listed under the type of "Card/Announcement Email" or "Legacy Business Letter Email" in the Campaigns page aren't showing properly in the Home Page. These are campaign types that we haven't used for several years, but you can still copy them so they must have been overlooked. I have escalated this up, thank you again.


Why does my dashboard claim to be showing me my "most recent campaigns" when all but the first one are from years ago? This dashboard display screen got super useless.

Status changed to: New

Hi @TerriM02. As previously mentioned in this thread that I am combining your post into, campaigns created as older campaign types such as "Card/Announcement" aren't showing properly on the new dashboard. These are campaign types that we haven't used for several years, but you can still copy them as this is the case with your account. Until this is addressed, you can click the Campaigns tab to see your most recent emails.



Just want to say that the campaigns linked under "Most Recent Campaigns" on our Welcome Back page aren't recent, they're all two-three years old. It would be great if our latest campaigns were accessible from this page! Thanks!
Status changed to: Closed - Implemented

Hi everyone,  thank you for your patience as we looked into this! The good news is we have received word from our engineers that this issue has been resolved. If it is still occurring or if you have any additional questions on this, please don’t hesitate to respond to this post as we would be happy to assist you further.

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