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Unable to access libary subfolders in new editor

I can no longer access my library subfolders when attempting to add images to my email. I can see my folders, but no longer can see subfolders. This worked 95% of the time in the old editor. I have tried multiple computers, an ipad and in both Chrome and Firefox. Why was this functionality removed? When will it be fixed?

Top Answer

Updated 2/2/23


We apologize for any inconvenience caused from this defect. Subfolders not appearing when working in editor is an active defect we are aware of and continuing to troubleshoot. Because of this having some examples of images, the names of these images, that do not appear is important information for us to track. The workarounds we suggest in the meantime are:

  • Insert an Image block, or double-click on an existing image in the email to replace it.

  • Look for the image using the search bar

  • Find the image in the library and copy the image URL from there

  • Add all images to main folders


I would just like to add that I am also experiencing this issue and it is incredibly frustrating. 

Campaign Contributor

This is completely unacceptable. I can't access almost all of my image folders when I'm editing an email -- not just subfolders. It's impossible to scroll in the dropdown for inserting an image, so the screen only shows me the last 5 image folders, most of which I don't use. I can't place new images in appropriate folders nor find images in other folders. It's been this way for far too long. It would be very helpful to know when a fix is coming -- or if I'm missing something and the scrolling of image folders should be working. This is a BASIC function of an email design program -- finding current images in particular folder and placing new uploads into appropriate image library folders.

Marketing Legend

Same complaint as notinCA - if I am using a newer email template, I can only see the LAST 5 image folders. If it is an older version of an email template, I can see all image folders and sub-folders. WTH did the programmers do now! All I need is one stinking image. Now I am going to need to find it and upload it again just to be able to get my email out on time. What a PITA! Please fix this - you managed to fix it when you could only see the first 6-7 folders w/o subfolders.

This is a major hassle to those of us working on time constraints with holiday emails.

Marketing Legend

So the image folders are sort of fixed????? You can now see ALL the folders again, but no subfolders. Sheesh.

Marketing Legend

Same complaint as others. This is a VERY IMPORTANT FIX --  it's a defect that has been reported and been open for over 5 months (at least.) Please give us an ETA on this fix so we know if we need to recreate folders at the root.


Edit: So I cannot EVEN ACCESS MY SUB-FOLDERS?? I just spent time moving files into subfolders from root folders, and now I cannot even locate those files from the Library? I thought this was only an issue when locating a file when building an email. Holy Moley folks, get this fixed. I use Chrome on a Windows11 machine. I cannot believe this is not affecting everyone with a similar user config. I find it difficult to believe you cannot replicate this issue consistently given the comments here.

Marketing Legend

I am also experiencing the same scrolling issue as "notinCA" while trying to access the image folders when building an email. I can only see the last 5 folders (not to mention the disappearing subfolders), and they are not scrollable. Again, am on Windows11 using Chrome.


Would be helpful is someone could provide updates on this. Thanks!

Marketing Legend

So...It is now March 3, 2024. I first wrote about the issue of not being able to see library subfolders way back on September 1, 2022. Do you have any progress updates to share? This is a very reasonable request, and one that worked correctly in prior editors. What is so different with your code that this functionality can't be re-established?

Marketing Legend

@MaryJoC83, I gave up on sub-folders a while ago, and placed all my images and docs in root folders. Frustrating after having gone through the same process you did with setting up sub-folders. It does appear that they fixed the problem with not being able to scroll through folders when replacing an image. 


My lingering hope is that they will fix building segments using tags. That's been broken for well over a year.

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