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View as Webpage Link in Custom Code Email

0 Votes

Two things missing: 1 - view as webpage option 2 - Pre-header option. The rest is very nice. I like the live preview in page.

Status changed to: Voting Open

Thank you for your feedback! Those would both be very nice additions. 


In the meantime, if you need to manually code a preheader you can add this code at the top of the body of your HTML and customize the text to your liking:


<div style="display:none; display:none !important; color:transparent; line-height:1px; max-height:0px; max-width:0px; opacity:0; overflow:hidden; visibility:hidden; height:0; width:0; mso-hide:all; font-size:0px;">This is a preheader</div>
Status changed to: Voting Open

Thank you for that feedback. I'll pass this along.


For the text-only version of the email, we do attempt to create a text-only version of your email from the original in case we need to deliver a text-only version to a particular email. However, I can see how having control over that would be helpful in case you're doing anything differently in the text-only version.



Campaign Contributor

What the heck happened to the "view as webpage" option? Mine no longer even has it and I need it. It has always worked perfectly, now with your "new custom code" deal it isn't working. While this is only partially related to the original question/issue was, I guess I'm voting that I need view as a webpage, but certainly agree with the OP that it of course needs to work right. In the old version (for instance used in December of 2019), it was an option and the text was customizable. Now I don't see an option at all, which sucks. Signed, Confused...


Hi @JosephC thank you for sharing your feedback on this! Having the "view as webpage" link in our updated custom code editor is a feature request our product team is currently collecting feedback on. In fact I have moved over your post from its original thread into the correct thread for this request.


Dear Constant Contact,

So, it appears that you have been collecting feedback on the "view as webpage" issue for a year now. Is it going to come back? That has been very important me for the past ten years. Please stop collecting feedback, and make this happen!

In the meantime, is there a work around to get this function into an email campaign?


Hi @MichaelS5474 two workarounds you can try in the meantime are:

  1. Placing this code where you would like the View as Webpage link to display:
    <span class="view-as-webpage" data-display-text="View as Webpage" id="viewAsWebPage" data-render-for-publish="View as Webpage">View as Webpage</span>
  2. Sending your email to a test list, copying the campaign's short URL, copying the sent campaign and placing this link into your custom coded email.
Status changed to: Not Currently Planned

At this time, we do not have plans to include a View as Webpage block within the custom code editor. You can include the following code to manually include a View as Webpage link:


<span class="view-as-webpage" data-display-text="View as Webpage" id="viewAsWebPage" data-render-for-publish="View as Webpage">View as Webpage</span>
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