Let's Play Bingo in Week 4 of the Ready, Set, Send Challenge!

Want to add new email to active automated series

You should be able to add new content to active email automations. This will allow for you emails receiving content to continuously be able to receive updated and new content without the automation ending.

Campaign Contributor
Could we have 52 (one year at one email per week) emails on our automated email list? Can we be able to add the emails once the list has started? THESE TWO requests are very important to me. May 2022 ??

Hi @AliceG503


At this time users have the ability to create a series with up to 31 emails in the queue. What are some cases where you would want 52 instead? As for having the ability to add new email to active automated series, this is a feature request we are collecting feedback on. In fact we recommend sharing your need for it directly on that feature request thread.


Status changed to: Gathering Information
Campaign Contributor
1. Primary Concern: Please allow us to add to the automated email list!
2. And expand from 30 to 50 emails on the list. Once a week for a year !!
Status changed to: Under Consideration

We're updating the status of this idea to more accurately reflect its current status with our engineering team and also made slight changes to the subject line in order for it to be more easily found. We can't guarantee a commitment to deliver on the idea but should indicate some awareness that we have heard your feedback and could be taken under consideration for a future release.

We really need to be able to add additional emails to the automated series. As my business evolves I need to constantly add more content in my drip-education material. By not having this option in the new format it’s very inconvenient and frustrating to say the least. The old legacy automated series was great! You could easily add content as your business evolved. I don’t want to copy an entire series each time I need to change my content. Please fix this issue!!
Campaign Contributor
I would like to be able to add more steps to an automated series after it has been published.
Hi just spoke with a chat person who said I cannot build more emails off of an existing active campaign. I donâ t see why that is a limitation. Sounds quite archaic. Please fix that.

This is still under consideration? its 2024!

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