I read your note contact engagement, as it was in a response to other user requests. However, it misses any details about what analysis we might want to accomplish. The high engagement is good to know but is extremely limited in its usefulness. I really think the need is more related to the detail that is included in each user profile, specifically for each campaign what was that user's engagement. I can see wanting engagement reports for: a specific newsletter all newsletters within a date range Data requested could be detail or summary. If detail then information such as the following 3:26pm β’ Clicked β’ Email β’ a link in "January/February 2023 Newsletter" on desktop device 3:26pm β’ Opened β’ Email β’ "January/February 2023 Newsletter" on desktop device 3:24pm β’ Opened β’ Email β’ "January/February 2023 Newsletter" on other device type 3:03pm β’ Opened β’ Email β’ "January/February 2023 Newsletter" on other device type 1:31pm β’ Was sent β’ Email β’ "January/February 2023 Newsletter" Each line of detail shown above would be a separate line of data. A report such as this would likely be a download only? If Summary then information such as the following would be extracted Emails sent 26 Average open rate 100% Average click rate 46% Emails bounced 0 The data above would be best laid out as columns with values associated with each user in rows A report such as this would likely be an online list or as a download The user would be allowed to choose what field elements they want from the Contact Details including custom fields in all selections (detail or summary). Lastly a click history would be very helpful with the same types of selection criteria as above, but the data would be the links for what the user actually clicked on, such as that listed for each campaign/newsletter and again, could be detail or summary, and the selections for a specific or date range for a campaign would again apply. Summary example is taken from the existing report for a campaign, but this would list all clicks for a campaign regardless of original or resend to unopened: LinkUnique ClicksDistribution https://www.SITENAME.org/the-class-of-1968-celebrates-55-years/ 49 21.3% https://www.SITENAME.org/photo-album/?album=216 40 17.4% https://www.SITENAME.org/the--class-of-1963-celebrates-60-years/ 36 15.7% https://SITENAME.com/ 10% The data above would be best laid out as columns with values associated with the campaign name in the rows A report such as this would likely be an online list or as download The detail would essentially be the same detail as if you clicked on the "unique clicks" column and provide the following: Campaign name Send date Any Contact fields a user chooses including custom fields The link clicked on The date and time the user clicked on the link Each clicked link reported would be a separate row with above data included A report such as this would likely be as a download only These kinds of engagement reports really helps us understand what the engagement looks like for each individual and with the field selection ability you would be able to analyze many aspects of what the user interests are. Constant Contact only has to allow the user to get at their data, and the analysis of how they want to use it is up to them to conduct with pivot tables, MSAccess or whatever business intelligence reporting tools they choose to use.
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