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Adjust timing before "Are you still working?" message pops up

Could you please change the length of time it takes to get logged out due to inactivity? I find it kicks me out too quickly and a constantly logging back in. Thanks!

Top Answer

The automatic logout is for security reasons, as your account contains sensitive information (Contacts, credit card info, etc.). After 15 minutes of inactivity, you should see an overlay asking if you are still working-- which will stay up for another 15 minutes. 


We can't guarantee a commitment to increase the automated time out but it should indicate some awareness that we have heard your feedback and could be considered for a future release.


hi @user402483 at this time we do not have a time estimate of when this feature will be updated! However we thank you for sharing your feedback. The more requests and kudos a feature request thread receives the higher of a priority it can be given by our Product Team.

Constant Contact Partner
Need to extend the logged in period for users- we like to keep it open during our work day to take call-in registrations and are always having to sign back in.
Campaign Collaborator

I composed the subject line some time ago and just saw it as a prior idea, but apparently I never sent it.  I just would like to say this is a problem with CC's automatic timeout on their website.  I want to complement CC on working on it because now the message occasionally tells me that I have been logged off.  Apparently it is a website interaction problem.  Really is nice they are working on it.

Hi, folks: Is there any way to increase the time that I remain logged in to my account. I find that I often need to log in several times while working on my campaign. Thanks.
Marketing Expert

Can we get longer logins?

It seems I get auto logged out after what, one hour?  Two, maybe??
The "Remember My Username" checkbox is old and deprecated now that browsers can handle username/password autofills.


It should rather be "Keep Me Logged In" for longer sessions of at LEAST three hours or more.

While I can appreciate some larger organizations have different members for logins, I don't think those who intentionally opt-in for a longer session really worry about unauthorized access.

Marketing Expert

I posted a new suggestion for the EXACT same thing, and then stumbled upon this thread.
I upvoted this for prioritization.


I know that "we do not have a time estimate of when this feature will be updated" is an easy canned response, but as someone who understands scripting, I know that it's simply a fix of literally one *tiny* little integer on your backend for cookie expiry.
The idea that it could take your dev team many months to rectify is extremely dubious...

Security concerns are appreciated, but yes MANY of us login at home on our personal desktops, and need to come back to a campaign build after a lunch break or similar.  Don't wanna keep logging in overandoverandoverandover....

Status changed to: Acknowledged

The automatic logout is for security reasons, as your account contains sensitive information (Contacts, credit card info, etc.). After 15 minutes of inactivity, you should see an overlay asking if you are still working-- which will stay up for another 15 minutes. 


We can't guarantee a commitment to increase the automated time out but it should indicate some awareness that we have heard your feedback and could be considered for a future release.

Marketing Expert


respectfully, literally EVERYONE understands that login/logout is to protect sensitive info.  That's the whole point for pretty much ANY private login.  We get that.
However, you have a significant sample size of your customers lamenting that we feel we get logged out too quickly.


Not everyone is a savvy copywriter or graphic design specialist, and a great many of us work from our SECURE, private home office computers.  Some people take more than 15 minutes to compose a *regular* email, nevermind one with graphical overlays and typesetting adjustments.

This is why it's nice to come back to creating newsletters after an hour or two (or three) of a break to rest our creative minds, or awaiting feedback from test emails.

The very least you can do, is replace the "Remember My Username" with "This is a private computer" to increase the login cookie timeout duration.

Campaign Contributor

I'm really frustrated that Constant Contact keeps logging me out of the program before I am ready. Customer service tells me that the program is set to log out after 10 minutes of inactivity for security purposes, which is extremely inconvenient. Can you cease the time out feature and let your customers decide when to log out? Most people wouldn't be sending confidential/private information in a mass email or any email for that matter. This feature is a big hindrance to productivity.

Thank you!


Please change the timeout feature for staying logged into our accounts from mere minutes to >6 hours.  It is frustrating, and from what I see in this forum, has been un-addressed since at least 2019.


This is not an issue on multiple other email platforms I have used so I do not believe there is a legitimate reason for the fast log-out.


I often have to switch windows to use my graphics program to create content to put into my email campaigns.  When I return to constant contact with the image, I have been logged out. 


This happens and it is frustrating.  It is giving me a poor impression of your product.  You are literally 'not there for me', because I've been logged out, again.


Thank you.

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