Master email marketing fundamentals. Join the Ready, Set, Send Challenge Week 2!

Rank items within a survey

The new survey update eliminates several types of questions! We regularly use the "rate items on a scale" and "rate items numerically" options. Why did these go away and do you have a suggestion on how to reword these types of questions to make them work? VERY disappointed in the update - while it says it's meant to be easier, I actually find it more difficult to use and will continue to use the Legacy version until it is phased out and then I will probably switch to Survey Monkey.


We completed the migration from the Legacy survey.  In my opinion, it's a step backward.  Less functionality and we lost the ability to have a grid rating question (ratings in columns left to right, topics in rows).  Why was that taken away or is it still available and i missed it.


The survey email sharing setup takes more time build the email and you can't get to the pre-header when setting the from/reply email addresses and subject.   I also didn't see it on the initial steps of building the email. Did I miss something there also?  I had to un-schedule the email, make the change and re-schedule.  If that's the way it works, that's poor design.


Is there a way to build an email template for our weekly surveys?  If so, that would address most of the problems with setting up the survey emails to customers.


What other options are there to pull the survey responses?  The downloads are much different than the legacy version and the page format of the responses seems more cluttered.  




Constant Contact Partner
We are really missing the ability to rank multiple items on a scale in the new survey tool. We had been using legacy surveys because we needed that feature, and now we aren't able to create new ones. Any idea when more features will be added to the new survey tool?
Would be nice to have a matrix survey type option. Also, could be nice to add a comment option to a question. Currently, we can't change it from saying "Other".

Hi @SIMBHQ. I'm going to merge your request for a matrix survey style in with a larger post. We already have a post surrounding the request for adding in a comment box. You can comment or vote on that post so you can be alerted if we have updates to share for that particular request.

Campaign Collaborator
There is not enough flexibility in the options. For example, for questions with ranking - there can only be one item to rank per question - so if I was trying to compare someone's interest in several different things, I have to create a new question for each thing, which is extremely repetitive, a lot more work for me, and makes the survey look far longer than it actually is. The legacy survey was better.

We really need the ability to rank multiple items on a scale when creating a survey!!  Having to do each one as a separate question takes more time and the survey looks bad!  Please tell me this option will be coming soon?!  I liked working with the Legacy Survey MUCH better!


Hi @JayJ348


Thanks for sharing your feedback on this feature request. We apologize at this time we do not have a time estimate of when it will be available. There are many factors that are used to decide what is added to or updated in our product which can cause us to sometimes not have a timeline for when a feature will be available. The more request a thread like these receive the higher of a priority it can be given by our Product Team. We will also reach out to this thread with any further updates.

Status changed to: Acknowledged
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