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Create Multi Level Bullets in Campaigns

Hello- Is there a way to have sub-bulleted lists without having to restart a list?


i.e. I would like to use a numbers list but then have sub-bullets that are either little letters (a, b, c, etc) or plain bullets and then be able to go back to the main list. Right now the list starts over when I add a sub-bullet. 


Also the ability to have line breaks between a numbered list would be ideal as evidenced below. This doesn't work in the email template.


  1.  example
    • dtlk
  2. djlaksd 

Brand Visionary

I need access to my old stuff - how do to simple things like bullets and sub bullets are no longer available. Not everyone's contacts use only their mobile devices to look at emails. ridiculous. Constant Contact has wasted my time.

Status changed to: Voting Open

Hi @KristinL57433 where in your email campaign are you looking for bullets and sub bullets? Bullets are currently available through the formatting table that appears when in a text block.




As for sub-bullets, this is a feature request we are collecting feedback on and have tracked through this post. The workaround we suggest in the meantime is to add a two column layout beneath your main bulleted list, and add bullets in the right column of the two column layout to appear in a sub list format. As for your email on mobile devices, what changes are you seeing? How would you expect your email to appear instead? 




Hello @SloaneS70 ,


At this time, to accommodate the mobile compatibility necessary for higher deliverability, sub-lists and additional indentations for bulleted and numbered lists isn't possible in the current email editor. However, our engineers are still investigating ways this might be possible for the editor in the future. We'll open this idea up for voting.
In the meantime, this can be circumvented by setting up the bulleted list (and sub-lists) in a text program, then screencapping it. You can then insert that screencap into your email like an image, and resize as needed to make it appear as part of your text.

Marketing Legend

I may be misreading @KristinL57433 's original post, but when I saw the headline about "customizing bulletsx" I thought that part of the request was to be able to change the type of bullet--for instance small bullet, larger bullet, arrow, check mark, etc. This allows you to use bullet styles for a variety of purposes. Add in the ability to control the spacing between bulleted items and you have a real improvement! Also agree sub-bullets would be good, but here again you need to have them actually treated as sub-bullets (that is, they should have a different "look" from the primary bullet. The other problem I see with your workaround is that the user has no control over the size of the columns in a two-column layout. Most of the time, you cannot make the first column as narrow as I would want to in order to have soemthing that really looks like a sub bullet.


Hi @rcppubs23 thanks for sharing your feedback on this post! The good news is we do have threads focused on having the ability to change appearance of unordered list bullets and changing line spacing for bulleted and numbered lists. In fact we recommend sharing your need for these features directly on the corresponding thread. The more requests like these threads receive the higher of a priority it can be given by our Product Team.

Marketing Legend

Thanks Frankie. I have already commented in both of those threads. Is there something stronger than that that I should be doing?


Hi @rcppubs23 thanks for commenting on both of these threads! Post comments and kudos on feedback threads are the steps we recommend. While we may not respond to every comment or have a time estimate of when features will be available – it is acknowledged and tracked with our Product Team. In fact, here is a section of our Community that helps explain what we do with our customer’s feedback.

Campaign Expert

I, too would like to have this feature available.


-Kris Sheridan,

Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church

Status changed to: Acknowledged

We're updating the status of this idea to more accurately reflect its current status with our engineering team and also made slight changes to the subject line in order for it to be more easily found. At this time, sub-bullets cannot be edited to change from the original list type (numbered to bullets or bullets to numbered). We can't guarantee a commitment to deliver on this feature request but it should indicate some awareness that we have heard your feedback and could be taken under consideration for a future release.


The emails I create in Constant Contact consist of a lot of information, technical and qualitative, and require very specific standards for formatting information. 


First, I would love to see multiple variations of where indentations can start. For example, if using numbers within bullet points, or vice versa, it would be great if these two list items can align to different placements. Also, another feature I have seen in other email databases is automatically generating sharable hyperlinks for email campaigns (that only the email creator can access). This would be helpful in this case so I could show you what I am referring to. 

  • Here is an example: 
  1. If I wanted to list numbers underneath the bullet point above and show that the bullet is a parent of this list, it would be great if the numbers could indent farther to the right than the bullet point. 


Next, I also found that I am not able to put any elements on the sides of a table inserted into my emails or adjust the overall width of a table. This is also a feature that has been requested by some of our attorneys writing content. 


I hope you will read and take my suggestions into account!

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